Growing together.
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.
Our student ministry program aims to strengthen faith and apply it to everyday life. Through connections with peers, leaders and the church family students will have a strong support network to help guide them though the challenging time of their life as the discover their identity and purpose in God's world. In addition to Sunday morning lessons students will have access to small group studies in person and online, youth group, Bible app devotional plans, volunteer opportunities, community outreach programs, as well as seasonal events and outings.

Sunday Mornings
Small Group Studies
Small group studies are offered in the youth room and cafe base on youth interests and topics they wish to take a deeper dive into. Students may also participate in our youth leadership program taking responsibility in areas of the church such as kids ministry, fellowship and outreach as well technology and communication.
Connect is our faith education classes for Jr and Sr high students and is offered year round. Our student classes dive deeper into God's word focusing on spiritual growth and discipleship.
Small Groups
Get Connected. Go Deeper.
Join a youth group to form deeper connections with your friends in faith.
Bible Study
Sunday morning at 9am
Bible Study
Sunday morning at 9am